This is the Pipercross PX600 air filter system for 1 Alfa Romeo Nord engine with 2 twin-choke Weber DCOE, Dellorto DHLA, Solex DDH or Solex ADDHE carburettors.

Fits the 40, 45 and 48 mm versions of these carburettors.

An explanation of this ingenious system can be found HERE and the PX600 is basically the "double" system from the PX300.

The set consists of a baseplate and a filter element.

Please note that in order to use this system on your Alfa Romeo, you need to remove the original cast aluminum air filter housing and replace it with the baseplate in this set.
Should you want to attach the original carburettor support, it would require drilling 2 holes to attach it to this backplate.
The plate itself offers enough stability to maintain synchronization between the front and rear carburettor.
For the filter element, we offer two choices in height while the dimensions of the baseplate (Article Number C6131) remain, of course, the same (435mm in length and 190mm in width).
The two choices for the element are:
- Article Number C602D: 90mm high
- Article Number C603D: 115mm high
Please see the drawing for these dimensions.

To purchase the set of your wishes, please select it through the Height ? drown down menu above the Add to Cart Button.