The Haynes Manual on Carburettors
The definitive DIY manual on automotive carburettors.

It covers the theory, specifications, fault diagnosis, repairs and service adjustments on the following carburettors:
- Ford Motorcraft 1V
- Ford Motorcraft Variable Venturi (VV)
- Pierburg 1B1
- Pierburg 1B3
- Pierburg 2B5
- Pierburg 2B6
- Pierburg 2B7
- Pierburg 2BE
- Pierburg 2E2
- Pierburg 2E3
- Pierburg PDSI
- Solex PDSI
- Solex PIC-7
- Solex BIS
- Solex EEIT
- Solex PBISA
- Solex SEIA
- Solex Z1
- Solex Z10
- Solex Z11
- Weber DARA
- Weber DFT
- Weber DFTH
- Weber DFTM
- Weber DGAV
- Weber DIR
- Weber DMTE
- Weber DMTL
- Weber DRT
- Weber DRTC
- Weber IBSH
- Weber ICEV
- Weber ICH
- Weber ICT
- Weber TL
- Weber TLA
- Weber TLDE
- Weber TLDR
- Weber TLDM
- Weber TLF
- Weber TLM
- Weber TLP
Some 400 pages that cover the adjusting, tuning and overhauling of the above mentioned carburetors.

Contains colour sections, step-by-step instructions and Haynes Hints.

Language: English
This product is priced and sold as a single unit.
This is Our Article Number: HAYNES6231